If you want to grab these in real time, you can follow me on Twitter at @andrew_chen.
As always, I can’t promise they are all work-related ;-)
- omniture blog actually has some good stuff on it – uncommon for corporate blogs: http://blogs.omniture.com/
- good whitepaper from quantcast describing challenges of user measurement using panels, pixels, vs cookies: http://snurl.com/3kuhm
- introing fortune cookies to china: “they would put the cookies in their mouth, and then be surprised” http://snurl.com/3kbku
- list of problems solved by macgyver: http://tinyurl.com/9k8v7
- why parents in china save so much money, via kedrosky http://tinyurl.com/57nulo
- “Every myth on this planet tells us the purpose of life is death… I think the purpose of life is life.” http://is.gd/1Wnq
- an oldie but a goodie – single men/women by geography: http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/4701/ngsinglesze4.jpg
- new trailer for world of warcraft expansion: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wrath/intro.xml
- article from habbo designer on MMOG monetization in the US: http://tinyurl.com/6m389u
- article on latency and how it impacts your business: http://tinyurl.com/5g8mp2
- warren buffet CNBC interview transcript: http://tinyurl.com/6dppmj
- current state of the art for computer animation of faces: http://tinyurl.com/6745dj
- what are the most important avatar customization features? hair style and color, it turns out: http://snurl.com/3jcqn
- new flash game by the makers of bloons out! http://is.gd/1Sqp
- slate article on an econ experiment to increase the productivity of field workers and fruit picking: http://www.slate.com/id/2197735
- hilarious new FF extension hides youtube comments with bad grammar: http://www.flickr.com/photos/waxpancake/2790444683/