Andrew Chen Archives

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Dear readers, I have moved to Substack and I will be writing here from now on:
In the meantime, I will leave up for posterity. Enjoy!

Two cool videos about mobile computers of the future

Blast from the past… er… future – two videos on UMPCs (ultra-mobile portable computers) from last year. Thanks to Adam MacBeth for the links!

The first one is from Intel, I believe… it’s great that people are so attractive in the future:

My girlfriend worked on this at Microsoft (the Origami, not the video). Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out as cool:

PS. Get new updates/analysis on tech and startups

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Google: A tale of two graphs

Widgets = ad networks

Next couple days in LA for EconSM…

Revenue implications of non-sticky websites

Is Google the next Wal-Mart?

Entrepreneur-in-Residence in 3 flavors

VentureBeat covers new MDV website

Man, I’m kind of bored by the Web 2.0 conference…

How to win at Rock Paper Scissors

How long will the investing bubble last?

7 ways to define an emotionally engaging product

Are you good at picking consumer media companies?

Where to find startup ideas for the “Average Joe”

Couple great weekend videos

10 obvious strategies to ruthlessly acquire users

New website I’ve been using…

LinkedIn Network on #1 ad opportunity

What’s the #1 opportunity in online advertising?

The myth of the 7 day product

How to build a product in 7 days

On the topic of humanizing people…

24 hours into Twitter

Stupid twitter

Quick thought on eyeballs versus dollars…

Eyeballs versus dollars: What should startups focus on?

Article in the NYT on games for older adults

How do you find a badass co-founder?

Engaging travel site?

Crazy Alexa growth for file upload sites

Quick comment on broad reach ad companies

What’s broken with online travel?

Making user profiles more fun

Archive of a couple older posts

What’s broken about online dating?

Game design tutorial at the GDC

Web + Games = ?

Fun little video from GDC

Tired but back from GDC

More Alexa problems revealed