Andrew Chen Archives

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Dear readers, I have moved to Substack and I will be writing here from now on:
In the meantime, I will leave up for posterity. Enjoy!


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Conference bio below:

Andrew Chen is a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, investing in early stage consumer startups — focused on the themes of marketplaces, micro-entrepreneurship, games/entertainment, and next-gen social products. He is on the boards of Clubhouse, Substack, Z League, Sleeper, Snackpass, All Day Kitchens, Sandbox VR, Reforge, Maven, Practice, and others.

He writes about user growth, metrics, and network effects at and has been cited at Wired, WSJ, and New York Times. He holds a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Washington, where he graduated at the age of 19.


Why these essays matter

Here’s one message you want. Chen’s weekly newsletter offers thoughtful essays on startups and marketing from a true Silicon Valley insider.
— Wired Magazine

Marc read Andrew
good blog
— a half haiku by Marc Andreessen