If you want to grab these in real time, you can follow me on Twitter at @andrew_chen.
As always, I can’t promise they are all work-related
- new microsoft ad with seinfeld, i like it. http://snurl.com/3n4x6
- 11-year old girl saved her family by knowing an upturned car can explode because it happens in Grand Theft Auto. http://snurl.com/3n1vw
- Funny Flash game – Pigeon Projectiles: http://is.gd/2blg
- great discussion on offerpal on venturebeat by @eldon: http://snurl.com/3mn0i
- pretty sweet t-shirt: http://store.glennz.com/grounddefenses.html
- myspace continues to grow, both in uniques and overall engagement: http://snurl.com/3mfpw
- top advertisers online – note that these skew towards large, remnant buyers: http://snurl.com/3mfpq
- another example of america != SF, mapquest still has 46% marketshare in maps: http://snurl.com/3mfp6
- lol. “Pizza grabbed 4 of 10 spots in a recent list of mobile-directory restaurant searches in US metropolitan areas” http://snurl.com/3mfop
- there needs to be more advertising related open-source projects i wanted to give this one a plug: http://snurl.com/3md6l
- vanity fair article on rupert murdoch: http://tinyurl.com/55x6yd
- compete.com blog, ctr and conversion rate comparisons: http://tinyurl.com/663gq5
- pretty cool futuristic tennis video: http://www.lacoste-future.com/
- interview with mike moritz and john doerr: http://snurl.com/3m3ak
- behavioral targeting on the ISP-side continues to drift out of favor: http://snurl.com/3m0sz
- star trek the experience (vegas) closing down: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TRAVEL/09/01/star.trek.voyage.ending.ap/index.html