Quick update: Quoted in WSJ on dating apps, recent podcast interview, plus recent essays

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Couple quick things that I wanted to batch up in a single post.

A quote from me in the Wall Street Journal today
First, there’s a quote from me in the Wall Street Journal today, for an article covering the opportunities/challenges of dating apps. I’ve been told the story will be on page B1 of the paper edition, but here’s the link for everyone who loves trees: The Dating Business: Love on the Rocks by Georgia Wells. The quote was pulled from a recent essay of mine on why investors are often skeptical of dating startups, which you can read: Why investors don’t fund dating.

Podcast interview with Codenewbies
Last week, I did a fun, casual interview with Codenewbies, a podcast targeted at people learning to code. In the interview, I talk about how taking a year of Computer Science in college, plus internships as a Software Engineer, helped me break into my first post-college job, at venture capital Mohr Davidow Ventures. And I also have a short story about the first real program I ever wrote, in GW-BASIC back in fifth grade, where I managed to blow up one of the Mac Plus computers in class.

Let’s meet up in person (San Francisco)
I’m kicking off a series of small-group gatherings to grab drinks/food in SF – something like ten people, in SOMA. If you’re based in the area, I’d love to catch up and meet. I plan to include friends/guests from top startups and tech companies in the Bay Area to join us- here’s how to register.

Follow me on Twitter
Just a reminder- if you’re not already following me, here I am: @andrewchen

Recent essays, if you missed them
Finally, I wanted to include a list of some of my recent essays in case you missed them. I’m pretty happy with how the last couple have turned out, so I hope you enjoy.

Thanks for reading!

Published by

Andrew Chen

Andrew Chen is a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, investing in startups within consumer and bottoms up SaaS. Previously, he led Rider Growth at Uber, focusing on acquisition, new user experience, churn, and notifications/email. For the past decade, he’s written about metrics, monetization, and growth. He is an advisor/investor for tech startups including AngelList, Barkbox, Boba Guys, Dropbox, Front, Gusto, Product Hunt, Tinder, Workato and others. He holds a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Washington

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