Free consulting on retention metrics* :)

*in exchange for data

Looking for usage/retention data
I am looking for some usage/retention data to analyze using some tools I've built in the last couple weeks. In particular, I'm interested in better understanding retention rates and segmentation analysis for web products. Unfortunately, I myself do not have a lot of this kind of data at this point, and would like to work on it.

So, I'm offering some consulting services around this for free, in exchange for a complete dataset that I'm hoping some of my readers may have. I won't guarantee anything, but I'll share whatever I come up with, and keep it completely confidential.

Data specs
This is the kind of information you'd need:

  • list of user IDs and when the users were created
  • list of user sessions with timestamps, or list of all user events with timestamps (which we can use to approximate sessions), or list of when each user uninstalled an app, etc.
  • that's it!

If you're interested, shoot me an email at voodoo [at] gmail.



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