Andrew Chen Archives

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Dear readers, I have moved to Substack and I will be writing here from now on:
In the meantime, I will leave up for posterity. Enjoy!

Top keywords for how people find my blog

I always find the sources of traffic for my blog interesting – I thought I’d publish them here.

If you’re a blogger, you should go to your Google Analytics and hit Traffic Sources, then Keywords, and do an Export to Excel. Would love to see yours – please post it to your blog!

Couple observations about my list:

  1. Interesting that a lot of people are searching for me by name! Weird, although obviously there are probably tens or hundreds of thousands of "Andrew Chen" people out there, now and historically. Just at my college there were 5
  2. As to be expected, there’s a ton of folks who are searching about "Entrepreneur-in-residence" from my most recent gig
  3. Similarly, there’s a lot of folks who are interesting in advertising, viral marketing, and the typical digital media stuff I write about – hopefully they enjoy the content they see
  4. Also, interesting enough, there are a bunch of consumers who are looking for Diner Dash, or Facebook, or MS Paint, which are all consumer products I’ve mentioned in the past – those guys are probably very disappointed at what they find on this blog!

Here’s the first couple dozen of my list for 2007 to now:

  • andrew chen
  • entrepreneur in residence
  • entrepreneur-in-residence
  • andrew chen blog
  • entrepreneur in residence""
  • vertical ad networks
  • viral loop
  • futuristic play
  • vertical ad network
  • andrew chen""
  • facebook dating
  • andrewchen widget
  • andrewchen reward schedule
  • new diner games
  • how to draw on ms paint
  • sketchfu
  • how to draw with ms paint
  • andrewchen
  • social monetization
  • how to draw in ms paint
  • club penguin viral
  • game designer tutorial
  • ideo method cards
  • how to create a social network
  • new diner dash
  • first impressions ""andrewchen""
  • google ecosystem
  • futuristic
  • ironic article
  • widgets = ad networks
  • andy chen
  • game design tutorial
  • uploading andrewchen
  • 10 ways to ruthlessly acquire users
  • 1 9 90
  • 1-9-90 rule
  • andrew chen mdv
  • facebook monetization
  • andrew chen viral loop
  • facebook and dating
  • viral
PS. Get new updates/analysis on tech and startups

I write a high-quality, weekly newsletter covering what's happening in Silicon Valley, focused on startups, marketing, and mobile.

Followup to social network monetization

Quick thought on blindly copying Facebook features

What do Yahoo’s monetization woes have to do with social networking sites?

MySpace’s new platform – what a difference 6 months makes!

Declining stats on Facebook apps?

Quants versus brand folks on viral marketing

Quantitative approaches to consumer internet

For-profit app developers versus For-attention app developers

How many subscribers did Scoble bring to this blog?

Quantcast and its cousins in the analytics space

Recession + Advertising = ?

Interesting graph on Second Life usage

Dear lazyweb, Recommendations for designers?

Overheard at dinner last night…

Not everything can be free!

10 signs you’re a product fanatic

Take the driver’s seat on web stats, don’t be a passive observer

Hot off the presses! Scrapbooking scandal!

Congrats to Jared and friends at WeGame

How does internet ad spend compare to other media?

Does Facebook reflect your true friendships? How about e-mail?

Is blogging worth it? What’s the ROI?

Big exits for New York consumer internet startups?

2008 anti-prediction ;-)

How will continued social media growth affect overall online ad CPMs in 2008?

Quick professional update, and what an Entrepreneur-in-Residence actually does ;-)

Are your SEO efforts working, or failing?

Public and private spaces, and why YouTube comments are so awful

Do you use Google Reader? I need your help!

5 ways to break past the San Francisco echo-chamber

Is your website a leaky bucket? 4 scenarios for user retention

Glitter obsession, both online and offline

Why your friends list gets polluted over time

Tech bubble music video

Do you ever say, “MySpace is sooo ugly?” This blog’s for you…

Why bloggers and press don’t matter for user acquisition

My top read blogs…

Differences between MySpace, Facebook, and others

Technology always changes, but people always stay the same