Andrew Chen Archives

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Dear readers, I have moved to Substack and I will be writing here from now on:
In the meantime, I will leave up for posterity. Enjoy!

Off to GDC next week…

I’m going to the GDC next week. I’m going primarily to look at a couple different areas:

– Serious games
– Massively multiplayer games
– Game design theory

It’ll be great to see what people are up to and attend the keynotes, which feature the President of Worldwide Studios for Sony and Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo, who invented Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, and Nintendogs.

PS. Get new updates/analysis on tech and startups

I write a high-quality, weekly newsletter covering what's happening in Silicon Valley, focused on startups, marketing, and mobile.

New data from Yahoo’s ad system

Explicitly commercial widgets

Product creation in entertainment

Why CTRs for Yahoo aren’t necessarily a good thing

Widgets and their uneasy truce with blogging platforms

Starbucks product versus experience

To all women blog readers…

How to tell the difference between eyeball companies

Verifying startup assumptions, Part 2

Dolt versus DoIt

CNN on autonomous car sponsored by MDV

Conference on the “Future of Entertainment” next week

What matters more? Engagement or pageviews?

How to do market research via LinkedIn :)

Why do people avoid checking their assumptions?

10 ways to verify assumptions

Urban Dictionary Word of the Day: Connectile Dysfunction

3 lessons from a web idea that didn’t go anywhere

My second bad website :)

The future of online communities

Eyeball companies versus revenue companies

10 tips for meeting people at industry events

Meeting people in Silicon Valley

What’s an Entrepreneur-in-Residence?

No new blogs, but I have new photos!

Neat little conference…

Why build a vertical ad network?

Only nerds ask: “Is the Web 2.0 bubble collapsing?”

Taking a break from blogging…

Another great post about founder equity

Why is Google offering domains?

Dating site within an MMO

Congrats to the Isilon guys

Old media versus new media

Everything on Valleywag is true…

eHarmony’s matching mechanism is useful for other problems too!

Evolution of eBay’s technology platform

It’s hard to be serious and fun at the same time

How to get random people to e-mail you